As world citizens we have a commonality, and must realise that if progress is to be made in human relations and endeavours, if we are to achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence, we must focus on what we have in common.13 - 20Australian Food Safety Week - will be 'Is it done yet? Each year Australians observe one minute silence at 11 am on 11 November, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.13World Kindness Day - is to look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion; and realise we are citizens of the world. Stand Up! National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June. 01World Milk Day - An international celebration of milk and the milk industry.03Mabo Day - Mabo Day commemorates Eddie Koiki Mabo and his decade-long effort to make the Australian Government officially recognise that his people own Mer Island. WTD also brings to the forefront the health, emotional and psychological consequences the poor endure as a result of inadequate sanitation.20Universal Children's Day - is observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children.21World Television Day - This day celebrates the ways television has helped to increase world communications, as well as the implications it has had on social and cultural development.25Thanksgiving - America - is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Events by location All states and territories Australian Capital Territory. Download our Free Monthly events and awareness calendars for Early Childhood Services. Because as the NOW motto says - life is a team sport!11Remembrance Day - marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War (1914-18). During Movember, each Mo Bro effectively becomes a walking billboard for men's health and, via their Mo, raises essential funds and awareness for Movember's men's health partners.World Vegan Month - is dedicated to educating about vegan eating and lifestyles, and encouraging you take give it a go. The theme of the 2023 calendar for cultural diversity is 'Creating connections'. The Calendar Of Events 2022 Posters lists cultural and special events that are taking place from January - December 2022. No matter what brings a skip to your step or impassions your creativity, be proud of it.National French Fry Day - is a great opportunity to take the time to sample some golden-brown potato slices.14Bastille Day - The French National Day is the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, a major event of the French Revolution, as well as the Fte de la Fdration that celebrated the unity of the French people on 14 July 1790.Shark Awareness Day - is to provide education and awareness of the importance of sharks to the ecosystems of our world's oceans.16World Snake Day - This holiday is celebrated both virtually and physically, bringing together snake-lovers to rejoice in their common wonder at the marvels of nature's creation.17World Emoji Day - is a holiday that validates our obsession over these ubiquitous graphic icons. This should help you to plan and organise for upcoming events and celebrations for October 2022. Join with us and thousands of people from all across Australia as we get silly for a serious cause. The day is marked to remember the great taste of the chocolate the subtle joys it adds to our lives. Hearing Awareness Week provides an opportunity to explain that hearing health is an important issue for every Australian.03World Wildlife Day - On 20 December 2013, the Sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim 3 March, the day of the adoption of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as World Wildlife Day, to celebrate and raise awareness of the world's wild fauna and flora.06Clean Up Australia Day - encourages all Australians to take to their local park, beach, bushland or streets and help collect rubbish. Below is a list of events, awareness days, celebrations and more happening in 2022. Attached is the 2023 joint trials calendar for TCV, OMCC and BRMCC. Red Nose Day fund programmes, entertainment and raise money to keep children safe, healthy and educated.20International Day of Happiness - Do something, big or small, to take part on 20 March and bring happiness to others. At the end of each month below, you can print a version for your service, which includes a section for you to add your own community events. Love 'em, hate 'em, or just plain scared of them, one must admit that they are indeed a beautiful animal.30International Day of Friendship - The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.White Ribbon Night - Join communities across Australia to unite in support of bringing an end to violence against women by having a night in to get the word out. Meet people of other cultures and faiths, learn from one another and recognise that unity builds a better future than division ever could.22Loud Shirt Day - Fish out your flashiest frock, or dig out that awesome Hawaiian shirt you've been hiding in your wardrobe and get it on! 01JulEYE - Get your eyes tested this JulEYE. This special day is considered to be a form of good luck and so generally try to commence new thoughts, lives and commitments on this day.15Good Friday Public Holiday Day - a religious holiday primarily observed by Christians commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.17Easter Sunday - On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion.18 Easter Monday Public Holiday DayWorld Heritage Day is an opportunity to appreciate heritage monuments and sites for the international community. 1 October 01Shine a Light on Road Safety - Victorian drivers are being urged to turn on their headlights as a simple, free and highly visible gesture, to remember those impacted by road trauma and show their commitment to road safety.Mindful in May - Mindful in May brings the benefits of meditation together with an opportunity to help bring clean water to those living in the developing world. Adequate access to health care, to early intervention programmes and to inclusive education, as well as appropriate research, are vital to the growth and development of the individual.International Day of Forests - Despite all of the priceless ecological, economic, social and health benefits, we are destroying the very forests we need to survive. February 1, 2021 at 12:42 pm. 1887 Founders Society With an annual unrestricted gift of $1,000 or more you can be a partner in our goal to support the most vulnerable and at-risk youth in our community. Happy New Year, we hope our monthly calendars have been helpful. If you are a parent, why not walk home with the kids or take them to a nearby park for some play time after school04Fathers Day - Showing appreciation for fathers or father figures.06 - 12National Child Protection Week Starts - This campaign aims to engage and educate all Australians to understand they have a part to play in keeping our children and young people safe from violence, abuse and neglect.07Early Childhood Educators Day -recognises & celebrates the work of Australia's educators in early learning services for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care.Threatened Species Day - is commemorated across the country on 7 September to raise awareness of plants and animals at risk of extinction. On this day first time use of nuclear weapon was seen and just after three days of Hiroshima another nuclear weapon was dropped in Nagasaki.08International Cat Day - A day to celebrate one of mans most common and ancient pets.12International Youth Day is a reminder that investment in the worlds youth will provide a better future for all.World Elephant Day - launched to bring attention to the urgent plight of Asian and African elephants. The real point is to provide a time to look at and address issues pertaining to teachers. Make a legacy gift to the San Diego Center for Children through your long-term estate or financial plans. Everyone wants to be happy - and life is happier when we're together. Make them feel appreciated and special citizens on this day through our actions.20 - 26National Organic Week - to increase awareness of the benefits of organic products and farming production systems and accelerate the uptake of these in the wider Australian community and environment.21International Day of Peace - is a global day when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace.World Gratitude Day - We should focus on what we are grateful for and appreciate what we have, rather than what we want or think we need. Each celebration is listed with the actual holiday date for 2022. Children participate by walking, riding or scooting to school.26Earth Hour 8.30pm - Earth Hour is an international sustainability movement, where individuals and businesses are encouraged to turn off all lights for an hour. From Star Trek fans to astronomy nerds, video game enthusiasts to comic book collectors, Embrace Your Geekness Day is for all geeks everywhere. This historic event opened the way for space exploration for the benefit of all humanity. He ended up his letter together with his last wordings that is From Your Valentine in addition to his signature.Sweetheart Day - The primary aim of raising much-needed awareness of congenital and childhood acquired heart disease.Library Lovers' Day - It is a day to honour libraries, librarians, bookworms, and library lovers in your life.International Book Giving Day - This day is celebrated every year by giving away books that one enjoyed to read, which may benefit someone somewhere. Every dollar raised on Red Nose Day helps stop little lives being cut short and ensures every family gets the support they need. FREE printable 2021 calendar and planner for Early Childhood Educators and Teachers to help you plan activities. Loud Shirt Day is the day you wear something really, loud to help give deaf children the gift of sound and speech. The word 'yoga' derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.World Giraffe Day - In honour of the longest-necked animal. Raise money for life-saving research, raise awareness for heart disease and help keep families together for longer. The UDHR is a milestone document, which proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.11International Mountain Day - to raise awareness about the role that mountainous regions play in the lives of people and their importance to our planet.15Chocolate and Coffee Day for Religious Harmony - People coming together to share chocolate and coffee in a spirit of acceptance of all people regardless of religious or cultural background.18Hanukkah - Jewish - Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish festival with the first day known as Chanukah, Festival of Lights, and Feast of Dedication.International Migrants Day - it is intended to shine the spotlight on the plight, rights, and contributions of the millions of migrants all over the world.20International Human Solidarity Day - Therefore, the UN General Assembly, convinced that the promotion of the culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing is important for combating poverty, proclaimed 20 of December as International Human Solidarity Day.24Christmas EVE25Christmas Day26Boxing Day31New Years EVE. It is the day to ask for forgiveness from those whom you have hurt and also to forgive. 2009-2023 Aussie Childcare Network Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Counting beards is a fun "St Patrick's Day" counting activity from 1 to 20. World Forgiveness Day is the day to revive your relationships with your family, friends and dear ones by putting aside what has happened in the past and making a fresh start.09 - 12Eid al Adha - Feast of Sacrifice, is an Islamic holiday that is celebrated in India and other areas of the world with large Muslim populations.13Embrace Your Geekness Day - The day encourages you to accept your geekiness with pride and dont shy away from showing off your knowledge. Each year, the calendar for cultural diversity includes an inset on the relevant lunar year, and its Australian zodiac equivalent, on the inside cover. Whether you fancy stripes, florals, polka dots or paisley, as long as its got colour, pizzazz, it'll be perfect for Loud Shirt Day.24Diwali - Festival Of Lights - India - is a festival of lights celebrated by Hindu, Jain and Sikh religions.World Kangaroo Day - aim to celebrate kangaroos and raise awareness to the largest commercial slaughter of land-based wildlife in the world. It heals and says what words sometimes cannot express.12 Earth Chakra Day - International Earth Chakra Day is a global day of celebration and collaboration, an opportunity to spread a wave of energy around the Earth to support planetary healing and cosmic consciousness.17 Kid Inventors Day - celebrated to acknowledge past and present accomplishments of kid inventors; To encourage the creativity of future kid inventors.20Penguin Awareness Day - A celebration of one of the world's most beloved creatures and a call to action for their conservation.26 Australia/Survival Public Holiday Day - The refusal to celebrate Australia Day is part of an ongoing fight for the recognition of the abuse of Indigenous people's rights.

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