Surely Mr Jumpin warned Tate of Chase possibly hurting Kya. Kya realizes how unique and rare and special she is, so in reclaiming it, she reclaims herself. Instant downloads of all 1682 LitChart PDFs Why? Whereas people used to make unfair assumptions about her because of her socioeconomic class, now they seem to have a certain kind of respect for her. Kya was not conniving or to be honest smart enough to lure Chase, plan out TWO disguises, study bus schedules to know she could go out and back in enough time to not draw attention. Kya took possession of the shell. I think that Chase was killed by Tate as he was watching from the bushes for months waiting for chase to attack and when Kya took the bus he did it. Overall I truly enjoyed the entire story, even though the author puts a lot of detail into the descriptions of nature, and Kyas work, but it is also cool because it gives you the story from a scientists point of view (which our Author happens to be). I wanted to say that I think another reason the ski cap was such a big deal was to make the reader think that maybe Tate could have killed chase. Im sure thats something she just didnt know about and did not think of at the time. What do you think about Chase and his true feelings for Kya? Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Unrecorded persons for four centuries to die no Where the Crawdads Sing, Tate two., just life pulsing on, even at the expense of some of the better ones either AP! Do they in fact exist? These people knew her and loved her and likely understood that this was the only way she would ever get justice or not be murdered herself. I lived in Atlanta in the 1970s when many young children were being murdered and they talked of fiber evidence which was a new thing at that time. I never saw that coming. Dangerous predators must be killed or you will die. Wh. But Kyas remarkable strength, exceptionalism and beauty actually touched him, made him feel. However, if this theory were true, it was not in Jumpins character to murder ( I never saw anything in his character in the novel or the movie ) and considering the time and place they were living in, it could be very, very risky if he were caught. My sister thinks kyas dad died, I think he left her like everyone else did. The murder was covered when the boys found the body and when she came home, the town was already talking about the murder. I dont believe the red cap is shown in court. Where the Crawdads Sing PDF is a novel by Delia Owens. Or when she is older and on trial, why do none of them but her brother check on her? I cant imagine how kya could find disguises and lure Chase on her own. Tate, her husband, finds one of these poems (that Kya wrote) along with the necklace that ties Kya to the murder. The book does not explicitly state Kyas reasons for keeping the shell necklace. In the movie, shes in jail as the trial continues. Do you think he agreed with the murder or felt differently about her in anyway as a result? Me too. Interestingly enough, though, some of the less impressive males (Tate) find ways to trick females into thinking that theyre the alpha males, doing so by strutting about loudly with their bodies puffed up to look larger than they actually are. Kya had left Chase sprawled on the dirt. She has just spent a day in court where red, wool ( hat ) fibers were discussed and brought in as evidence against her. Where the Crawdads Sing is both a coming-of-age novel and a crime drama in which Owens explores the complex circumstances that Catherine "Kya" Clark must endure as she grows . A psychologist once told me that when an evil family member dies, people in the family rarely if ever mention that persons name ever again. How old was kya when she was arrested for murder? No vaccines, no dentist but she grows up so beautiful the two most eligible men in town want to date her? And in the privacy of the marsh, he could be soft. I didnt get that. yeah, I think based on what we know, the bus person is her. There are a number of questions (about the ending, explanations, other spoilers, etc.) Kya had planned the murder in detail. What are the names of the James Wright and Galway Kinnell poems that are quoted in Chapter 17? I think he might have given her clothes and food, may have discussed the tides/bus schedules/whether the moon would be out, etc.May have helped her with the logistics of it, but I do not think he thought of it ( I think it was her idea ), and I do not think he ever visited the tower other than to perhaps act as a lookout, if he was there at all. I have finally gone through the book and found all mentions of the red hat and red fibers so everyone can have a definitive answer instead of having to individually e-mail me. So kya definitely killed Chase. Thats all the book says. Dont forget that the one night when Jumpin was returning back home at the end of the day and was being harrassed by some boys, it was Kya who threw the rock at them to save Jumpin. They somehow end up at the fire tower arguing or trying to make up. Even Chases mother didnt recognize that her son was missing the necklace until well after the fact, weeks later even. About the necklace thing and when Chases mom was aware the necklace was missing. Hi this is great! How do Kya And Chase know to meet at the Fire Tower when he was killed? She also kills Chase because she says I will not live in fear. Amen sister. [33] Very interesting anylisis. Required fields are marked *. As far as her not showing remorse for killing Chase, after Chase bruised her face and and tried to assault her, she went to the reading house, she watched and thought about insects killing their mates. How do we not know that Chase went looking for Kya one evening (she was gone visiting her publisher for the first time), and his wife followed Chase out to the Marsh? Tate searches their Marsh home and finds Chase's missing shell necklace along with some of Kya's poems. Consequently, she had to address the matter herself, becoming the human version of a female firefly in a mere act of survival. I read WTCS back in 2018. Again from the book: Its not really stated how exactly she lures him to fire tower. Her character was a survivor. Being an expert on the marsh & its plants, critters & tides, does not necessarily make that same person able to excel in other areas, such as a complicated murder plan. Known as the 'marsh girl' she is different to her neighbours, having a deep affinity with nature. She was a person with no experience in that area. What happen to Chases wife? However, the detectives determine that its possible to travel by bus from Greenville to Barkley and back in one night. I was always intrigued by the reasons why Chase chose to wear the shell necklace gifted by Kya all the time. One boy, tanned and dark haired looked like Joidie (assuming she looks like her brother). Markers of death all weathered into nubbins by elements of life from chapter 56 night heron. Kya knew judgment had no place here. I cried at the end. So Tate would have seen it. ( Spoiler .., ). . Tate had motive, opportunity, strength, time and knowledge to create disguises for the bus. This part Id badly flawed. Why did Kya and Tate not have children? I understood the one about The Firefly, and Broken Gull of Brandon Beach, but failed to get a handle on some of the others. The type of complexity used for the trip back from Greenville to kill Chase was out of character for Kya. I found this strange. They move in together, hiring someone to create a lab and make some home improvements so that they can spend their lives there. He would have known them she killed him. I think he just wasnt man enough to go against everyone elses expectations of him and stand up for her and be with her. Well I think at some point Tate knew that it was Kya who pushed Chase to death. The only thing that is mystifying me is the nomme de plume. I dont know, I think theres more depth to him Almost like Kyas dad, in those moments in the novel where he was decent and not a complete monster. I have searched all around the chapter before and after! Observing this, females mate more often with these alpha males (Chase). Where can I find her green crossover bag my daughter obsessed with it? Very probably she used the phone in the city at the hotel to call him to meet her there. Why was she unable to get pregnant with Tate? That bothered me too. And why was he killed? it should answer your question. In some ways it makes sense because her relationship with humans (with the exception of Tate and a few others) were never the best experiences for her compared to her relationship with nature. The fibres couldnt have been on his jacket for 4 years. They will always be the trump cards because they are passed on more frequently from one generation to the next than the gentler genes. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Berta. Could it be that she had no memory? She probably called him over telephone or left a note in her shack. He wasnt anything a man should be . She lured him to the tower and then she left the grate over the last stair open so he could fall through. Excellent story by the way. But if you read the poem about flashing valentines and female fireflies luring the males to their deaths, you know she did lure him thereand the rest of the poem makes it clear she killed him. Judging by this sentence, -Then he opened the small box, knowing what he would find. Later, there are red fibers found on Chases jacket after he is dead. She probably would have not killed a critter, except for food, but killing a human being did not seem a problem. Was the necklace hidden under floorboards in her book? Nature had become her family and moral compass. Also, she confessed to the murder in her poem and tate found the poem and the shell necklace. Where the Crawdads Sing Quotes Showing 61-90 of 1,170. Biology sees right and wrong as the same color in different light. *Female insects, Kya thought, know how to deal with their lovers. (lovers is plural ! I think the point is that Kya didnt know what was going on and seeing him stopped by the sheriff made her realize that she loved him all along. LitCharts Teacher Editions. What I didnt understand was why Kya never was called to declared during the trial. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Dont get me wrong, he is despicable, and his behavior and actions towards her were unforgivable, but I think buried deep in all that, there was a small potential to be a good person. Tate discovers a poem written by Amanda Hamilton, the poet Kya often quotes, underneath their floorboards. Hi Jennifer Marie Lin, What did he see when he was walking at night. How did she get it off his body without leaving footprints? Delia Owens may have been indirectly involved / associated with a murder in Africa, but it is unrelated to the story in Where the Crawdads Sing. Oh and the Firefly poem is just her observation on what may have happened to Chase and his wife, not reflection on Kya and Chases relationship. And with her money she gets plumbing and electricity out to the marsh? So, she just wants to take back her freedom and power in her own home, not having to hide and flee, not to live a miserable life as her mother. I dont recall her being at the trial or questioned or anything. The infamous red hat. What dya mean, where the crawdads sing? But first a quote from the Firefly Poem in the books conclusion: Female fireflies draw in strange males with dishonest signals and eat them; mantis females devour their own mates. Yeah its pretty possible..If Kya is using disguises she must have went to the town or somebody had to buy it for her.And if she went to town to buy disguises..we would have more witnesses.So probably somebody helped her and since only Jumpin knew might be him. He may even have cared for Kya more in his shallow, selfish way. I listened on audible. Reading through the comments I noticed that no one has questioned a mental breakdown as a possibility for Kya and murdering Chase Andrews. Thats a very good theory. In killing him, she likely wanted revenge, but also to reclaim some sense of power or something like that. From the trial in the book, we know that it is a 1 hour and 35 minute bus ride away (when traveling in the middle of the night with presumably no traffic) from Greenville, NC. And she never gets sick..,only steps on a rusted nail once. Most of her life she only had nature as her family, so whether right or wrong, she thought she would get rid of her mate the way some insects got rid of theirs. I think she snuck back to the Marsh because the attendant at the motel made her uncomfortable. She saw the world differently because of how she was raised. Does Kyas attorney suspect that Kya killed Chase? I think either its a confession from kya or kya knew Tate did it and she meant for him to find the poems she had written with a fake name. Even face jail or the death penalty. Presumably though, she saw it as some symbol of her relationship with Chase, possibly a representation of her taking back something (her dignity, her pride, her sense of safety, her sense of self worth, etc.) As a mental health therapist, I have clients who fear their perpetrator and feel as though they have no control or little control, unless they move away from that rapist or molester. There is one poem about murdering Chase, and with it is Chases missing shell necklace, tying her to his murder. Her large eyes nearly black, 192 I do not recommend this book or this author. Still confused over something? Is drawing and painting simply a hobby, or is it in some way a survival skill? Consider Kya had made previous arrangements before leaving for Ashville to meet Chase at the top of the tower as she had calculated the time of the last bus to arrive back and her time to get to him. How could a 10 year old girl survive by herself in the marshes where she lived? How was she able to move the missing piece? She kills him to survive because she knows he will eventually hunt and eat her/kill her. The book was Brilliant! In fact, most of them agree that they should have been kinder to her long before the trial, thereby showing her empathy and giving her the benefit of the doubt even if some citizens still wonder how Chase died. The answer to all of these questions is a (tentative) yes. I absolutely loved and appreciated the movie and will be reading the book but Im from Asheville, NC and confused about the setting. would like to know why a fire tower is in a marsh? she should have been locked away. Kaya could have went to the Fire Tower once back in town and found it. 'Luring him was as easy,' reads the first line in the poem. Instead, she passes away at 64 while shes out in a boat collecting stuff (her heart had quietly stopped). Forget the lack of time to pull it all off, but rather the premeditated and calculated effort to know how to do that and get away with it. But, disguises, bus schedules, etc. I think she was imitating the female preying mantis, she was always talking about. Summary. No, Where the Crawdads Sing is a work of fiction. Did I miss what happened to Kyas father? She did what she needed to do to survive. I still have questions about the red hat! -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the symbol Fireflies appears in, The next day, she continues to wait, listening for his boat. How would he know it was HIS red hat? Do you see them in reality in the marsh? No,he didnt knew for sure but may have doubts..he was pretty sure Kya would make it out of the case and they would soon be exploring lagoons..So he didnt believe she would have murdered chase but the evidences somehow could atleast convince him to have doubts..which he might never confront to her due to fear of losing her. Certain lines in the poem reveal that Kya lured Chase to the tower where he then was pushed off and fell to his death. This Study Guide consists of approximately 40 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Where the Crawdads Sing. Did Kya take to the stand during her trial and if not why not. Toch de voorliefde voor de natuur en de mens, kan de kracht en schoonheid evenaren, Does the lawyer know kya is guilty? I feel ya. Yes, this is my question. On page 153 of wildlife scientist Delia Owens' novel Where the Crawdads Sing, nineteen-year-old Kya Clarkthe "Marsh Girl" of a certain section of the Carolina coastrecalls a poem by "a lesser-known poet," Amanda Hamilton:. points out below, it may have been via phone because during the trial, the hotel manager, Mr. Lang Furlough, mentions that she was oddly unfamiliar with how to use the telephone. Then tried to assault her again and she pushed him in self defense and he fell accidentally. Been together for more than 40 years and never ever have that conversation. People often die the way they live, so these are good theory. Also, I couldnt help reflect further on the contrast wiht Chase and Tate with the alfha male and sneaker fuckers data. Three thoughts, after reading through all the posts and having only read the book (I have not seen the movie):: Why did no one ever consider whether Kyas boat left its mooring at the town dock that night when Chase was killedthat was never part of the investigation, yet would have been key to her guilt/innocence. Hi! why was Chases wife never mentioned after his death or at the trial? I always thought that she accidentally killed Chase and then covered her tracks and everything. in the U.S. legal system, you have the 5th amendment right to remain silent (its the right against self-incrimination). The comment by Jumpin is definitely an error that the author and editor didnt catch. What was Chases wifes alibi? Only Patti and Sam are at the verdict. Kya had a lot of reasons to dislike Chase. The sheriffs just couldnt find the necklace. She could have been watching somewhere and ran over after confirming he was dead.. Produced by Reese Witherspoon's production company, Hello Sunshine, and Sony, with a worldwide release on July 15, the anticipated film adaptation of Where the Crawdads Sing is finally here!

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